How long have you been at KRTY? “I’ve been a part of our amazing Listener Family for almost 20 years, joined Team KRTY in our fight against Breast Cancer 6 years ago, that then lead to being added to our awesome Promotions Team….& now the On Air Team too!”
How long have you been in radio broadcasting? “Okay y’all this HAS to be a trick question! Seriously though…less than a year”
Where are you from? “Proud to say I was born in the “heart” of the Big ‘ole state of Texas….in Temple, but moved out to Sunny Cali when I was about 2 and have been in the Bay Area ever since…so I guess you could say I’m a TexiCali Gal!”
What community do you reside in now? “We planted our roots in Sunnyvale 29 years ago, but if we say we’re now blocks from “Apple Spaceship Land” folks know exactly where we are!”
Family? “Married to my High School Sweetheart, Eric, and he’s put up with my shenanigans for over 27 years now! Proud Mama to our 2 amazing kiddos, Paul & Kaitie, and while they’re both adults, they will ALWAYS be my babies!”
Pets? “We do love dogs, but after our loyal, loving Golden, Sammy passed unexpectedly several years ago we just haven’t been ready to get another….but that sure doesn’t stop us from loving and spoiling our Princess G’Pup, Stori, who Kaitie rescued as an abandoned puppy.”
First or most memorable concert/show? “Again with the trick question – I have seen so many amazing artists – Garth, Martina, Shania, George, Luke, Jason, Tim, Faith, Earth Wind & Fire, JT, Pink…and the list goes on I’d have to say one of my all time faves would be when Sheila E opened for Prince – they each put on their own show and then continued on together!”
What kind of shenanigans do you get into on your days off? “Wine tasting, watching baseball, football or hockey, the beach”
Favorite food? “Oh Laawwwwdy I LOVE me some Mexican Food…a good mole sauce, chips, salsa, guac and, of course, margaritas!”
Favorite quote? “Life is Too Short to be ANYTHING but Happy!”